Little Foxes @ BEDS
Out of School Club
Little Foxes @ BEDS Mission Statement and Ethos
Written in consultation with the children of the club; we’ve used their themes and words to underpin our objectives of creating a fun, entertaining and engaging environment for all to thrive.
We encourage our children to become independent learners, with strong values of respect, friendship and thankfulness, as well as showing great strength in helping build a kinder, safer and better future for all when they grow up.
We promote respect and good manners for adults, the children and their peers, without discrimination and with acceptance of others’ beliefs.
Little Foxes @ BEDS provides a safe, happy, inclusive and exciting environment in which we get to see every child be at their full potential. We provide a variety of activities, planned in consultation with the children, that challenges and helps the children problem solve, support their fascination of the world and of learning. We provide a more relaxed atmosphere for the children to spend time with friends outside of the classroom, allowing them to engage on their own terms, within a safe and structured environment.
Games and group activities are encouraged to emphasise that it’s the taking part that counts, and the main aim is to have fun and be kind to one another.
“It’s exciting and fun at the club”
“I like it here as I get to have messy play that I don’t have at home,”
“We do so many crafts to take home and activities to do”
“Second breakfasts!”